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Temat: The Kill Point
"The Kill Point" revolves around a downtown bank robbery by a team of American Iraqi-War veterans. More than a dozen hostages from all walks of life are taken, ranging from the daughter of a business tycoon to an adulterous couple. Throughout the eight-hour event, viewers will follow the escalating action as the volatile soldiers plot their way out, the negotiator anticipates their moves and the hostages desperately try to survive. Time is critical and the game intensifies with surprising twists at every turn. produkcja: USA gatunek:...
Źródło: emule-polska.pl/index.php?showtopic=40086

Temat: WYWIAD: Tim Bradstreet - autor okładki AMOLAD
...other means, Eddie offered them a deal, rot in Hell or live forever. All it will cost is your soul. Easy decision for most, they took the deal not realizing that living forever means living in their own rotting carcass with no will of their own, commanded by the demonic Ed Hunter. War is hell. Meet the Devil. It's been mentioned here and there on some of the forums that it seems a political statement. People are confusing the image as some kind of comment on the Iraqi War. I do not think this is the case. All of the weapons and gear are WWII era with the exception maybe of the tank which I believe is Korean War era. If anything I believe it is a more playful theme, it reminds me of the old EC comics like "Weird War Tales" or "Haunted Tank". That makes sense to me given Maiden's past love affair with literature and film. - Were you asked to depict Eddie in the distance so that he doesn't appear...
Źródło: sanktuariumfc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5710

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