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Temat: 08-04-2009
Konami reveals Iraq war game
Microsoft kupi OnLive?
Sony going merchandise crazy with new licensing deal
Sony: DSi is just for kids
Rockstar Did Not Announce Grand Theft Auto V
Sony: Our first-party dev is as big as Microsoft and...
Źródło: redakcjagryonet.wxv.pl/viewtopic.php?t=63
Temat: www.actstudent.org
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Źródło: forum.pcmaniak.pl/index.php?showtopic=54050
Temat: " who would you like to see cast
...Well, you may be in luck. Deadline reports the series is currently considering a potential spin-off -- though not one about any character we've already met. (There goes our dream of Dr. Hodgins,nfl tshirt, children's TV host.) Instead, the series would focus on a new recurring character,NFL jerseys, Walter Sherman,nfl sales, who gets his introduction in the Dec. 6 episode. A former military policeman, he served with Booth (David Boreanez) in the Iraq war, though the two apparently can't stand one another. Sherman, based on Richard Greener's "The Locator" book series,nfl sales, is described as an "eccentric,nfl for sale, obstreperous and amusing reclusive man in his late 20s-30s with highly sought after abilities to find anything" who frequently "asks offensive, seemingly irrelevant questions." Sound familiar? That more or less sums up the male version of Dr....
Źródło: komps.fora.pl/a/a,488.html
Temat: P&J M249 wersja IRAQ WAR
Tym razem w moje łapki wpadło P&J M249 Para wersja Iraq War 2006. Oto jeszcze ciepłe wnioski : 1) PUDEŁKO: Nie ma o czym pisać. Jest obrzydliwe, szare i tandetne, że aż strach człowieka bierze co może zobaczyć w środku. Oto fotka: http://www.fotosik.pl/showFullSize.php?id=570b46c08d8b5ced 2) CO JEST W KOMPLECIE : Po otworzeniu pudełka naszym oczom ukazuje się giwerka, magazynek, ładowarka z wtykiem mini do ładowania akumulatorów o napięciu...
Źródło: ratsslupskasg.fora.pl/a/a,99.html
Temat: Szczęśliwy powrót / The Lucky Ones (2008)
...2007 (USA) Genre: Comedy / Drama Rachel McAdams ... Collee Tim Robbins ... Cheever Michael Peña ... T.K. Arden Myrin ... Barbara Tilson Susan Yeagley ... Kendra Spencer Garrett ... Pastor Jerry Nolan Emily Swallow ... Brandi Cyn Dulay ... Affluent Guest Written by Burger and Dirk Wittenborn, the story revolves around three soldiers -- Collee (McAdams), T.K. (Pena) and Cheever (Robins) -- who return from the Iraq War after suffering injuries and learn that life has moved on without them. They end up on an unexpected road trip across the U.S., with Collee on a mission to bring her boyfriend's guitar back to his family because he saved her life, T.K. seeking confidence to face his wife after a shrapnel injury that threatens his sexual function and middle-aged Cheever planning to hit the casinos in a desperate effort to pay for his son's college tuition. imdb...
Źródło: ourinspiration.fora.pl/a/a,119.html
Temat: Bill Maher: I'm Swiss 2005
...Bush. He excoriates the former for turning the '04 presidential election into "a referendum on boys kissing," part of their campaign to "legislate taste" while using their "nonsensical and spiritually unnecessary" religious devotion to claim the high moral ground. As for Bush, Maher's comment that "sometimes this guy is so retarded, he could be on death row in Texas" is one of his milder jabs; and when it comes to the Iraq war, describing Baghdad as "the galleria at Halliburton Square" pretty much sums up Maher's feelings about that. Much of what Maher says during this 99-minute monologue (plus a Q&A session with the audience that's included in the bonus material) is genuinely funny, especially a segment called "Master P's Theater," in which he translates rap lyrics from Ebonics into "white." But make no mistake about it:...
Źródło: emule-polska.pl/index.php?showtopic=8131
Temat: Prezentacja sygnaturek
Zaprezentuje Wam parę moich sygnaturek Halo Tag 1 Halo Tag 2 Abstract Tag C4D Anonim Tag 1 Anonim Tag 2 C4D Tag Moja część Collabu z Bagderem/borsukiem1 (grafikarts.org) Girl Tag 1 Girl Tag 2 For MartolZ Polaczek Tag pol_vip Tag Asian Girl (SOTW #6 grafikarts.org) Iraq War Tag (SOTW #8 grafikarts.org) Vista Tag XP Tag To tylko część mojej kolekcji ;D
Źródło: ewszystko.eu/viewtopic.php?t=314
Temat: Gra w skojarzenia
Iraq war >> George W. Bush
Źródło: forum.x-world.pl/viewtopic.php?t=46140
Czek dis ałt :) http://www.hbo.com/generationkill/ http://gizmodo.com/5025094/review-generation-killthe- iraq-war-batteries-not-included var _r = document.referrer ? encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) : ''; var _w = encodeURIComponent(document.location.href); var _e = document.inputEncoding ? document.inputEncoding : document.charset; document.write('');
Źródło: falloutbob.fora.pl/a/a,1370.html
Temat: Konflikty zbrojne
Wracając do konfliktów na tle politycznym to polecam obejrzec---> http://www.fotos.geschichtsthemen.de/ iraq-war/iraq.htm --->Zdjęcia z Iraku zrobione przez amerykańskiego żołnierza-niektóre zdjęcia w naprawde dobitny sposób przedstawiają jak wielkim nieszczęściem i doświadczeniem dla narodu jest wojna!
Źródło: 1lozawiercie.fora.pl/a/a,45.html
Temat: Koniec wojny w Iraku
Dzisiaj wlaczylem sobie strone The New York Times. Krew uderzyla mi mocno do mozgu a pozniej serce zatrzymalo sie w miejscu. Na glownej stronie widnial duzy, tlusty napis: " Iraq War Ends" i obok tego amerykanskie helikoptery wracajace z wojny. Mysle sobie: ja pierdziele, jak to mozliwe, wspaniale, tak nagle, szok... Mysli te trwaly zaledwie kilka sekund, po chwili uzmyslowilem sobie ze cos jest nie tak. Patrze u gory, na adres strony, a tam zamiast www.nytimes.com, jest napis: http://www.nytms-se.com/ Otworzylem nowe okienko aby wpisac adres The New York Times jeszcze raz, ale tym razem wszystko bylo...
Źródło: niezalezni.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1004
Temat: Gra w skojarzenia
Bin Laden :503: Iraq War
Źródło: forum.x-world.pl/viewtopic.php?t=46140
Temat: Globalne Ocieplenie
...of the idea of dropping atomic bombs on North Vietnam and solved problems in adaptive optics for telescopes. Lately he has been “trying to help the intelligence people be aware of what the bad guys may be doing with biology.” Dyson thinks of himself as “fighting for peace,” and Joel Lebowitz, a Rutgers physicist who has known Dyson for 50 years, says Dyson lives up to that: “He works for Jason and he’s out there demonstrating against the Iraq war.” Page 8 of At Jason, taking problems to Dyson is something of a parlor trick. A group of scientists will be sitting around the cafeteria, and one will idly wonder if there is an integer where, if you take its last digit and move it to the front, turning, say, 112 to 211, it’s possible to exactly double the value. Dyson will immediately say, “Oh, that’s not difficult,” allow two short beats to pass and...
Źródło: poloniao2.fora.pl/a/a,62.html
Temat: Gary Sinise / Mac Taylor
...Courtesy of Custom Trophy & Apparel-Florence KY) Presented annually by OTA to celebrities that champion the men and women serving in the American Armed Forces, the CSI: NY actor was awarded the Eagle Trophy for visiting troops overseas and at local hospitals, securing funds for various military charities and for raising awareness for deployed military through being executive producer of Brothers at War, a documentary film about military families during the Iraq war. Well known for his role as Lieutenant Dan Taylor in the acclaimed film, Forrest Gump, Sinise further travels and performs for troops as a member of his own Lt. Dan Band. "I am honored to receive this great award," says Sinise. "I am just doing what I love to do – supporting our brave men and women who give their lives for our freedom." In addition to receiving the Eagle Trophy and a bottle of Red, White and Blueberry Valenzano...
Źródło: csinyfan.forumowisko.net/viewtopic.php?t=135
Temat: Kto oglądał transmisję gali oscarowej?
...po czym ogłosił: And the baby goes to… ANGELINA JOLIE! Sorry, but Angelina couldn’t be here, it’s hard to find 17 babysitters. - i ten jego humor polityczny (mmm...): Julie Christie was absolutely amazing in Away From Her. Brilliant movie. It was the moving story of a woman who forgets her own husband. Hillary Clinton calls it the feel good movie of the year. Not all films did as well as Juno obviously. The films that were made about the Iraq war, let's face it, did not do as well. But I'm telling you, if we stay the course and keep these movies in the theatres we can turn this around. I don't care if it takes 100 years. Withdrawing the Iraq movies would only embolden the audience. We cannot let the audience win. Oscar is 80 this year, which makes him now automatically the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. You have to admit, this is a huge election. An historic election. So much...
Źródło: buffy.fora.pl/a/a,514.html
Temat: Die Webseiten der Auslastung Mp3
...Itunes Music Store North Las Vegas House Party 02 - The Ultimate Megamix BYO Split Series, vol. 2 Mp3 Store Columbia Live At Convocation Hall (Cd 1) Playing On The Edge Live 1993 & this! Music Store Escondido Deranged Headtrip Country Side Itunes Music Store Grand Prairie Basic Fatality dem and Itunes Music Store Corona JJ Cale The Very Best of Buddy Holly And The Crickets Mp3 Music Store Springfield Greatest Hits of Chuck Berry Body Of War: Songs That Inspired An Iraq War Veteran [Explicit] wake Kohn Itunes Music Store Huntington Beach Merrick - Cd 1 Solisti di Zagreb Itunes Music Store Erie Sanctification Suffer, Survive springs ^^ Mp3 Store Hartford Remixes Sonero Music Store Chattanooga Tony Rebel Meets Garnett Silk Yogafit Music For Slow Flow Yoga Cd1 mortem article Music Store Providence Earthkeeper Fabriclive 44 Commix Itunes Music Store High Point Roberto Carlos Nakai and Nawang Khechog Orkestergraven Cd6 many...
Źródło: konnekt.info/forum/index.php?showtopic=99969
Temat: 9/11
...hundreds of thousands of troops deployed, with thousands of American lives lost supporting the war against terror leading to the subsequent destruction of Iraq (an incidental footnote lost on most Americans). All this, for the purpose of rooting out Osama Bin Laden, who interestingly enough is reported by US intelligence to be somewhere in the mountains of Afghanistan. What gives? Login or register to post comments BigT 18:37 | December 5th, 2007 Actually the Iraq War was Actually the
Źródło: poloniao2.fora.pl/a/a,67.html
Temat: Hermiona-fan xD
Mi się najbardziej podoba " iraq war cost..." ciekawe do ilu dobije?
Źródło: forum.mlyniec.gda.pl/viewtopic.php?t=963
Temat: darmowe modele
Wiem Wiem u ,,Lachowej'' z kumplami je kupujemy, i topimy je, wysadzamy, montujemy do rakietek, palimy wraz z saletrą, różne takie :) One śmieszne są - żołnierze z II wojny światowej, z flagą Izraela, podpisane " Iraq war" Mnie szkoda bitsów do trupów, to użyłam ich jako heretyckiego ścierwa do Necromundy
Źródło: bitewniaki-forum.pl/viewtopic.php?t=414
Temat: Prezentacja sygnaturek
No ładne jednak Iraq War Tag moim zdaniem jest najlepsza
Źródło: ewszystko.eu/viewtopic.php?t=314
...stress http://rojsshinusyw.blogspot.com/2007/03/coping-with-stress-for-bipolar-person.html coping with stress for the bipolar person http://ingrkwagffio.blogspot.com/2007/03/lazarus-folkman-stress-and-coping.html lazarus folkman stress and coping theory http://ricqrfitmets.blogspot.com/2007/03/coping-stress-efficiency.html coping stress efficiency http://bsasarzahl.blogspot.com/2007/03/stress-and-coping-with- iraq-war.html stress and coping with the
Źródło: warsztatypisarskie.fora.pl/a/a,154.html
Temat: rzekome "udaremnienie" atakow przez MI5
...are arrested, only 2% are convicted of anything... And nearly all on minor offenses that have nothing to do with terrorism. ------------ Politically motivated arrests of innocent people, designed for maximum media impact to terrorize YOU. That's what the "War on Terror" is all about. In less than five years, these scary stories have cost Americans $430 BILLION - not including the over $300 BILLION spent on the Iraq War - and not to mention the loss of our Bill of Rights protections. How serious was the "liquid bomb" threat? Here's a clip of some overly ambitious TV journalists who let the cat out of the bag before the story "solifified." Someone must have slapped the reporters back into place after this clip aired because the line of inquiry they opened was never continued. Short clip:...
Źródło: prawda.fora.pl/a/a,114.html
Temat: Barack Obama makes history ― 英Ŧ
...46, and Republican John McCain, 71, the vote will also be about whether the country wants to usher in a new generation of leadership. Many analysts say Obama's relative lack of experience is a legitimate issue, and one that he will have to address. Arizona Senator John McCain is a well-known and well-respected war hero, with years of foreign policy experience in the Senate. But he is expected to be challenged by the close links he has to President Bush and his support for the Iraq war, both deeply unpopular. For her part, Hillary Clinton now faces the challenge of accepting defeat, after coming achingly close to winning. She has not conceded defeat, but will likely sit down with Obama at some point to discuss how to best heal the wounds of the long primary season and unite Democrats to face McCain in November. She has indicated she would be willing to serve as vice president, a decision that will now be made by Senator Obama.
Źródło: afocaliptica.fora.pl/a/a,427.html
...personal tragedy, and Dr. Kelly has a family who are still grieving. But I also felt that not to write it would perhaps have been worse.” In the public realm, from Yorke’s point of view, everything is definitely not in its right place. He has acted as a spokesman for Friends of the Earth, but when an opportunity came up to meet with British Prime Minister Tony Blair, he decided he was too disgusted with the government’s policies on the environment and on the Iraq war to see any point in doing it. “This is such a dark period in our country’s history,” he said. “There are these huge elephants that we have in the room at the moment, in the West, and people are desperately trying to erase them from public consciousness.” His album title, The Eraser, is a reference to all those acts of determined inattention, about which Yorke has come to feel even more strongly since becoming a father of...
Źródło: radiohead.fora.pl/a/a,216.html
Temat: Konsole vs PC Fight :P
...że różnica w grafice jest żadna co jest bzdurą bo dzisiejsze pecety wyporzedzają konsolę o lata świetlne. Niestety, ale dzieje się to w temacie o grach pecetowych. Tutaj zostawiam topik dla nich :P Bijcie się, ale pamiętajcie, że i tak konsola nie wygra haha :P No i skoro jest wojna ati vs nv to czemu miało by nie być miejsca na konsole vs pc. Mówiąc krótko - Let's war begin!!! :E http://imaginarymuseum-archive.org/OogWeb/s07iran- iraq-war.jpg
Źródło: forum.pclab.pl/index.php?showtopic=416000
Temat: ankieta - czy na poligonie stosowano ZU ?
...notatce, procent poszkodowanych przez uran weteranów sięga dziś niewiarygodnych 89%, co oznacza, że ucierpiał niemal każdy żołnierz, choć mogło mu się kiedyś wydawać, że z wojny wrócił zdrów i cały. Zresztą, przeczytaj sam: Heads roll at Veterans Administration Mushrooming depleted uranium (DU) scandal blamed by Bob Nichols 02/23/05 "SFBV" - - Considering the tons of depleted uranium used by the U.S., the Iraq war can truly be called a nuclear war. Preventive Psychiatry E-Newsletter charged Monday that the reason Veterans Affairs Secretary Anthony Principi stepped down earlier this month was the growing scandal surrounding the use of uranium munitions in the
Źródło: nfoo.fora.pl/a/a,91.html
Temat: tlumacznenie na angielski - PILNE
dostalam dzis takiego maila: ATTN: I am Mr.paul leech a Director of the Hang Seng Bank Ltd,taiwan. An Iraqi named Farouk Bassem,a business man made a numbered fixed deposit for $8m only in my branch.He was killed in the iraq war with his entire family. I am ready to place you as beneficiary/next of kin of the funds for us to share 50/50 should you be interested in executing this with me;mail me at my personal email address below: Sincerely, Mr.paul leech Mniej wiecej rozumiem jego tresc ale nie jestem pewna czy mógłbys mi ktos to przetluamczyc?
Źródło: antyforum.pl/viewtopic.php?t=2587