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Temat: Stingery" wygraly" w Afganistanie a w Iraku?
Zginelo 7 osob. Przyczyna zestrzelenie za pomoca rakiety najprawdopodobniej SA-7
An umbrella organization representing several Sunni insurgent groups makes the claim in an online statement. The authenticity can't yet be verified.
An Iraqi air force officer says an anti-aircraft missile brought down the chopper about 20 miles northwest of Baghdad. It burst into flames, sending a huge plume of black smoke into the sky.
A farmer about a half a mile away says he saw the chopper fly past, then heard a missile fired and saw the helicopter turn into a "ball of fire."
While it's unclear how many people were aboard, a Pentagon official says it was apparently fewer than ten. It's the fifth...
Źródło: militarium.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1762