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Temat: ============aQUaNET=2996==============
Perskie BBC TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — Iran's intelligence chief expressed concerns about a new BBC Persian-language television channel launched Wednesday.
Iranian hard-liners have alleged the BBC wants to use the new channel to recruit "spies," but the BBC has denied that.
"We don't consider this channel to be appropriate for our security," the official IRNA news agency quoted Intelligence Minister Gholam Hossein Mohseini Ejehi as saying. He said Iran would take "the necessary measures," but did not give specifics.
Iran's state broadcasting company is the only authorized body in the country to have radio and television channels.
No Western news stations in the Persian language are legally available to Iranians, but illegal satellite dishes dot Tehran's skyline and many people watch...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,13,18722627,18722627,_aQUaNET_2996_.html
Temat: Rosja chce sprzedac rakiety przeciwlotniczeIranowi
...rules of the Shah and Islamic Republic. Linked (both original in Farsi and translation in English) is part of a cartoon (www.gaip.org/petitions/racism.html) and article published in the ‘Iran Newspaper’, on Friday May 12th 2006. I apologize in advance for forwarding such a gross and unpleasant piece; however my intent is to bring to your attention the insults that Azeri Turks have to endure in Iran. Iran Newspaper, part of the IRNA news agency, is one of the official government newspapers in Iran. This newspaper, like all the other government newspapers, must have all content thoroughly checked and approved by the Iranian government prior to publication. Although this is not the first time a cartoon of this nature has been published, it has infuriated University students in Azeri cities in Iran, and has raised protests and hunger strikes in Tabriz, Urmia, Tehran, Ardebil,...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,50,42526326,42526326,Rosja_chce_sprzedac_rakiety_przeciwlotniczeIranowi.html
Temat: Bomba w Iranie__zabila czlonkow Gwardi Rewolucyjne
Bomba w Iranie__zabila czlonkow Gwardi Rewolucyjne Co najmniej osiemnaście osób zginęło w środę rano w wybuchu bomby w południowo-wschodnim Iranie. Czas bezkarnego mieszania sie , mordowania w Iraku przez mully iranskie i ich gwardie rewolucyjna sie konczy. Poczuli na wlasnej skorze jak dzialaja pulapki-bomby samochodowe . Official IRNA news agency reports bomb exploded next to bus owned by Iran's Revolutionary Guards in southeastern city of Zahedan Reuters Latest Update: 02.14.07, 08:43 Eighteen people were killed on Wednesday when a bomb exploded next to a bus owned by Iran's Revolutionary Guards in southeast Iran , where security forces and armed groups often clash, Iran's
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,50,57308223,57308223,Bomba_w_Iranie_zabila_czlonkow_Gwardi_Rewolucyjne.html