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Temat: Szok, niedowierzanie, gniew
Szok, niedowierzanie, gniew Polska chce zainwestować w gospodarkę kraju "osi zła" niebagatelną kwotę miliarda dolarów. Z najniższych ekonomiczno-dywesyfikacyjnych pobudek... "Polish gas monopoly PGNiG may be looking to invest up to $1 billion in potential oil and gas projects in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Earlier, an Iranian news agency had reported that a Polish company, most likely state-controlled PGNiG, had signed a deal with Iran to invest up to $1 billion in Iran's oil and gas projects. However, PGNiG's strategy director Rafal Oleszkiewicz told Reuters on Wednesday that the company has not committed itself to any specific amount. "It's an open issue. A very preliminary meeting took place, but the Iranians are very eager to cooperate,"...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,87,76338906,76338906,Szok_niedowierzanie_gniew.html

Temat: Konkluzja: Izrael potrzebuje wiecej amunicji.
> Dziekuje za wyjasnienie, > teraz wiem dlaczego tak chetnie z ladunkami wybuchowymi wybieraja sie na space > r > do Izreala. A kto by nie chciał rządzić Światem? PS. The following is the story in today's Al-Ayyam: Headline: "Iran closes a reformist newspaper, for publishing a report criticizing Hamas" "The Iranian news agency "Irna" reported yesterday, that the Iranian Culture Ministry has closed the reformist daily newspaper "Karjo Zaran", because it published a report that included criticism of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas). On December 30 the paper published a statement of a reformist student organization, that has criticized Hamas for risking lives of civilians, amongst them children, by hiding its forces in...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,13,89410351,89410351,Konkluzja_Izrael_potrzebuje_wiecej_amunicji_.html

Temat: Iran wymordowal ponad 4 miliony ludzi!!!!!!!
Zrodlo: Aytollah Rafsanjani!!! :-)))))))))))))))) BBCWorld: Iran 'increases missile range' Former President Rafsanjani is still a powerful man in Iran Iran has missiles with a range of 2,000 km, a former president and one of the country's most influential politicians has said. Hashemi Rafsanjani's comments came in a speech a research institute in Tehran, and were reported by the Iranian news agency. Correspondents say this is a substantial addition to the previously announced range of Iranian missiles. It would bring Israel easily within range of Iran's ballistic missiles. Iran maintains that it would only use its missiles in self-defence. Mr Rafsanjani said Iranian experts could now achieve "all subsequent stages" in the missile production process. New missile test In August, Iran was...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,50,31918427,31918427,Iran_wymordowal_ponad_4_miliony_ludzi_.html

Temat: Amerykańska szopka z Saddamem
secret deal Ti chodzi raczej o synów Saddama, bo on od dawna już nie żył. www.gulf-news.com/Articles/news.asp?ArticleID=84189 An Iranian news agency close to top conservative military figures attributed the fall of Baghdad to a secret tripartite agreement between Saddam Hussain, Russia and the U.S. According to the Baztab agency, 13 days after the start of the war, Saddam and Russian intelligence allegedly pledged to hand over Baghdad with minimal resistance to allied forces provided they spared the lives of Saddam and a hundred of his close relatives. The U.S., for its...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,13,9669748,9669748,Amerykanska_szopka_z_Saddamem.html

Temat: World Slams Gaza Massacres, Israel Continues Offen
...concern for us at a time when the efforts of the international community are focused on implementing the road map set out by the quartet as is indicated by the presence of Mr. Solana in the region," he said. World condemnation continued Tuesday with Iran accusing Israel of "genocide". "The genocide by Israel in the occupied lands is a direct outcome of the United States' unilateral support for the Zionist regime," the official Iranian News Agency (IRNA) quoted foreign ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Asefi as saying. "Israeli officials are thumbing their noses at the world and the internationally accepted rules," he added, calling for the United Nations to "end the inhuman actions of the Zionists in Palestine."
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,50,3203068,3203068,World_Slams_Gaza_Massacres_Israel_Continues_Offen.html

Temat: Iranczycy przygotowuja sie do wystrzelenia satelity
Stanislaw Sidor napisaÂł(a): | Juz wiemy, ze byl to zwykly lot balistyczny rakiety, zadna proba | satelizacji. A gdzie to cos upadlo? Wszystko, co wiem, jest tutaj: On Feb 25 the Iranian Aerospace Research Institute announced the launch of a 'space system' called 'Kavesh' (search). The Iranian news agency talks about launching a rocket into space. At first it wasn't entirely clear whether this reflected a successful orbital launch but a later clarification established that it was a sounding rocket test. The rocket has a maximum apogee of 150 km. Iran has launched missiles to that height in the past, so what's new here is that it's a quasi-civilian research payload, possibly testing systems for a later satellite launch. It is not clear when the...
Źródło: topranking.pl/1582/iranczycy,przygotowuja,sie,do,wystrzelenia.php

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