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Temat: Te niegrzeczne rynki finansowe...
...interest rate differential between the rand and
dollar, probably attracting a lot of short-term investment," said Lynch.
=The rand appreciated 22% in the nine-month reporting period, compared with a
depreciation of 42% in the corresponding period.
BHP Billiton said it would pay a final dividend of 7,5 US cents a share an
increase of 15,4%. This will be paid on July 2 and brings the company's total
dividend for the year to 14,5 US cents a share.
Demand for iron ore and alumina had benefited from the strong Chinese
economy. "As yet, we have seen no decrease in product demand in China, however
the emergence of Sars (severe acute respiratory syndrome) has the potential to
disrupt economic growth in China in the short to medium term," said Lynch.
Sales to China in the nine-month period were $800m.
Xstrata Cut production
A key operator in the Hunter Valley coal fields in New South Wales is...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,30,8676568,8676568,Te_niegrzeczne_rynki_finansowe_.html
Temat: Najdłuższy pociąg świata
...długość w przypadku składów pasażerskich to 44 wagony (w tym 22 autokuszety ;) - z tym, że jest to skład rejsowy, może ktoś złożył coś dłuższego na specjalną okazję :) Z jednym zastrzeżeniem - wymieniony na kapslu skład można liczyć też jako pasażerski! Za jedyne 5$ od głowy można się przejechać (700km, 12h jazdy) na wierzchu wagonu z rudą (tak, sprzedają na to bilety!)... Pozdrawiam Wojtek Naj... naj... to jezdzi w Australii (WA). BHP Iron Ore. "On June 21, 2001, BHP
Źródło: topranking.pl/1568/najdluzszy,pociag,swiata.php
Temat: Klęksa Mittala. Nie kupi Huty Częstochowa
...AMERYKA MEKSYK Mittal Steel Lazaro Cardenas: Pena Colorada Serslin PMT USA Ispat Inland: I/N Kote Minorca Mines Empire Mines TRYNIDAD Mittal Steel Point Lisas KANADA Mittal Canada: Walker Wire Acufil Sidbec Ferruni Sorevco Delta Tube AFRYKA ALGERIA Mittal Steel Annaba: Mittal Tebessa REPUBLIKA PŁD. AFRYKI Mittal Steel South Africa AZJA KAZACHSTAN Mittal Steel Temirtau: Iron Ore Mines Coal Mines Power Plant Dla zainteresowanych na temat prywatyzacji tych zakładów przez Mittala mogę przesłać dodatkowe informacje. Proszę zostawić adres w komentarzach.
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,30,23881396,23881396,Kleksa_Mittala_Nie_kupi_Huty_Czestochowa.html
Temat: taka fotka
w polsce to by to by sie nazywalo colecting coal :) albo collecting iron ore:) co bardziej mi pasuje do fotki gdyz przypominam sobie, ze gdy bylem troche wiekszy niz ten dzieciak lazilismy po torach grzebiac miedzy kamieniami w nadziei znalezienia rudy... i mozna jej bylo znalesc niemalo... Pewnie wozono ja do Huty Stalowa Wola ale i pewnie do wielu innych miejsc... Pozdrawiam
Źródło: topranking.pl/1570/taka,fotka.php
Temat: Telekomunikacja w Europie 5% w dol, Deutsche Bank -3,1% , Nokia w dol - DLUGIE
... second-quarter earnings missed already lowered forecasts and that third-quarter profit could be at the lower end of analysts' estimates. Rio Tinto Plc fell 27p, or 2.5 percent, to 1,044. The world's No. 2 mining company raised its bid for Australian iron-ore producer North Ltd. 25 percent to A$3.5 billion ($2.05 billion), trumping bigger rival Anglo American Plc. DSM, Zeltia DSM NV gained 1.04 euros, or 3.1 percent, to 34.7. The Netherlands' ...
Źródło: topranking.pl/1239/telekomunikacja,w,europie,5,w,dol,deutsche,bank.php
Temat: do wegetarian madrali !
...by wycinano te puszcze. O skutkach NIC nie pisal. acha, gwoli scislosci, NIE KLAM, piszac ze amazonke wycina sie pod pastwiska. Otoz Amazonke wycina sie pod SOJE! tak, tak, soje. I uscislajac. To resztki z wykorzystanej soi sa pasza. Glownym celem hodowli soi nie jest pasza. I wejdz sobie na strone: www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/br.html pocztyaj i wyciagnij wnioski. I to najlepiej: Exports - commodities: transport equipment, iron ore, soybeans, footwear, coffee, autos jakos glownym towarem eksportowym nie sa zboza paszowe. i to jeszcze: Agriculture - products: coffee, soybeans, wheat, rice, corn, sugarcane, cocoa, citrus; beef :-)))) To tyle, zanim zaczniesz powtarzac klamliwa propagande. > CZLOWIEK TEZ- MAM NADZIEJE ZE JAK KIEDYS ZGINIE CI KTOS BLISKI TO NIE POROWNASZ > GO DO KWIATKA TY ZABIJASZ ZWIERZETA CZASEM STRASZNIEJSZA...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,353,26867779,26867779,do_wegetarian_madrali_.html
...in GĂśteborg, Sweden. Volvo was born on April 14th, 1927, when the first car, which was nicknamed "Jakob", left the factory in GĂśteborg. SKF also provided the factory premises and the name, AB Volvo, which had been used in a previous business operation. Volvo is Latin and means "I roll" . The Volvo circle-and-arrow trademark was created to represent strength, taking its graphic shape from the traditional alchemist's symbol for iron ore . In the 1920 circa, before the birth of Volvo Company, car makers built cars by choosing ready-made parts from catalogs and then assembling into cars. The results were of poor quality. Volvo had a different philosophy: they believed quality cars could only be built from designing components in-house, contracting the designs to be built by manufacturers and finally assembling the parts by experienced car builders. Combined with the...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,20,17940021,17940021,KONKURS_ZAGADKI_MOTORYZACYJNE_.html
Temat: jak powstali germanie
slowa Icelandic jak w polskim brzmio by ð icelandzi teraz tam to mówią th ale nieco ostrzej. gdzie tam g to u nas często ż rauða, f. (1) yolk of an egg; (2) red colour; (3) blood. żółtko zaródź , czerwień, krew tez i w znaczeniu ród czyli to rauða to raudźa , raudzica jak w ródzica. rauða-blĂĄtstr, m. smelting of red iron ore (raudi). rauða-galinn, pp. stark-mad; -vĂkingr, m. great pirate. co innego jest zapis a co innego wymowa icelandic radio: www. to jaka była wymowa pierwotna możemy sprawdzić słuchając jak ptaki spiewają. Czy też było to takk dawnoo że i ptaki spiewały inaczej? raczej nie
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,12217,18765993,18765993,jak_powstali_germanie.html
Temat: I OD NOWA
...przebudowac swoj domek,moze kiedys nam tu sie pochwalisz.a byc kobieta dyrektorem fiu fiu dawno w Polsce mnie nie bylo ale tak na oko to nie masz juz calkiem przekichane tak jak mialy kobiety 10lat temu ale latwo napewno nie jest;) w pracy u mnie bez zmian ale co ciekawego.mlody chlopaczek ktory pracowal u nas od ubieglego roku zaledwie zwolnil sie i pojechal do Western Australia no niby nic wielkiego,bo ludzie sie woza ale on pojechal do pracy do kopalni iron ore.niedawno Yvona pisala wlasnie o tej gorszej pracy i taki przyklad prosze bardzo ,tam w kopalniach placa duze pieniadze praca ciezka i nie ma kto pracowac a tu w wygodnym Sydney ludzie siedza na bezrobociu i mowia ze pracy nie moga znalesc bo boja sie tylka ruszyc,albo boja sie gorszej pracy. no i przy piwku przerzucam dzisiejsza gazetke i co widze prosze bardzo nowa lista wedlug Forbesa najbogatszych ludzi na swiecie a nas tam jeszcze...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,23,37198881,37198881,I_OD_NOWA.html
Temat: Chca wykluczyc Irlandie z Unii
Antarktyda z Wiki "Although coal, hydrocarbons, iron ore, platinum, copper, chromium, nickel, gold and other minerals have been found, they have not been in large enough quantities to exploit." Dalej: "The 1991 Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty also restricts a struggle for resources. In 1998, a compromise agreement was reached to place an indefinite ban on mining, to be reviewed in 2048, further limiting economic development and exploitation....
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,720,80991319,80991319,Chca_wykluczyc_Irlandie_z_Unii.html
Temat: [TIBIA] Gdzie bocic Knightem na 47 lvl ??
...100ek i 60ms i jakos przestalem grac wiec i ty powinienes> moze najpierw napisz jakie masz skile -.- a pozatym to nie tutaj z takimi sprawami, w necie jest pelno opisow gdzie expic, skilowac itd........ Nie wiem dlaczego są jeszcze ludzie , którzy w to grają ;/ Nie wiem dlaczego są jeszcze ludzie , którzy piszą takie bezsensowne posty ;/ #Top DC jak kolega wyżej, ew. ustaw na Dwarfach i Dwarfach Soldierach to zdobędziesz Iron Ore i grzybki . PS: Nie boc bo taka 'gra' to nie gra.
Źródło: topranking.pl/902/tibia,gdzie,bocic,knightem,na,47,lvl.php
Temat: Nowy rekord złota - uncja po 1226 dol.
...Aug 29 (Reuters) – Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) may unilaterally terminate derivative contracts with six foreign banks that provide over-the-counter commodity hedging services, a leading financial magazine said… It also cited a SASAC official as saying that almost every SOE involved in foreign exchange or trade had some exposure to derivatives such as crude oil, non-ferrous metals, agricultural commodities, iron ore and coal, although only 31 SOEs were licensed to do so. SASAC took over the job of overseeing SOEs’ derivatives trading from the securities regulator in February after several Chinese firms reported huge losses from derivatives, and quickly tightened the rules, ordering firms to quit risky contracts and report their positions on a quarterly basis." Nie jest przypadkiem,że ABX dumnie ogłosił kilka dni temu to ,że...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,30,103883484,103883484,Nowy_rekord_zlota_uncja_po_1226_dol_.html
Temat: australijskie kompanie na czarnej liscie w Chinach
wy najlepiej wiecie o czym bedzie rozmawial premier Rudd z komunistami chinskimi:) "The Prime Minister has been drawn into a dispute between BHP and Rio and Chinese iron ore buyers" "A spokesman for Mr Rudd confirmed he had talked to BHP executives on Monday." www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,23399873-601,00.html bluff: > > premier nie leci za miesiac w tej sprawie. > kan: > Rudd, nie ma z tym nic z wspólnego - nawet jeśli bardzo chciałby.
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,44,77124060,77124060,australijskie_kompanie_na_czarnej_liscie_w_Chinach.html
Temat: Szmal w Rosji via LSE, cd.
...managed to pay all their taxes for the current year and Chernomyrdin has come back as Chairman. It looks like the Government are laying a firm grip on Gazprom in the run up to the elections in December as probably they will be able to siphon off some funds to pay for election advertising. Gazprom are also very active in getting controlling interests in several of the best coal and steel companies (Kuzbasugol for excellent coking coal, Lebedinsk, Oskol, Novolipetsk, Nosta for iron ore and steel production). Recently the bank Rossisky Kredit has announced its intention to sell its 46.73% holding in the Lebedinsk ore mine to Interfin and Gazprominvestholdings. Interestingly this was announced on 30.06.99 the day after a new managing director was voted in at Lebedinsk - not forgetting Middlesex released their accounts on the 30.06.99 and, bearing in mind the time difference, - I mean were MSX waiting to see the outcome of these events? I...
Źródło: topranking.pl/1243/szmal,w,rosji,via,lse,cd.php
Temat: metalurgia
stal Film MPEG-1 (196MB): Steel: A Symphony of Industry - Audio Productions Dramatic presentation of steel production. Keywords: Metals: Steel; Labor: 1930s "Factual short on how steel is made, all the way from iron ore to a variety of finished products." "Simply amazing portrait on how steel is made. " www.archive.org/download/SteelASy1936/SteelASy1936.mpg Książka: 1981: The manufacture and properties of iron and steel - Harry Huse Campbell 13MB www.archive.org/download/TheManufactureAndPropertiesOfIronAndSteel/TheManufactureAndPropertiesOfIronAndSteel.djvu
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,12172,28669241,28669241,metalurgia.html
Temat: Do wszystkich nienawidzących Zydów i do tych.....
...commitment to the Jews by any government, including our own, is worth the paper it is written on. There is a cry of outrage all over the world when people die in Vietnam or when two Negroes are executed in Rhodesia. But when Hitler slaughtered Jews no one remonstrated with him. The Swedes, who are ready to break of diplomatic relations with America because of what we do in Vietnam, did not let out a peep when Hitler was slaughtering Jews. They sent Hitler choice iron ore, and ball bearings, and serviced his troop trains to Norway. The Jews are alone in the world. If Israel survives, it will be solely because of Jewish efforts. And Jewish resources. Yet at this moment Israel is our only reliable and unconditional ally. We can rely more on Israel than Israel can rely on us. And one has only to imagine what would have happened last summer had the Arabs and their Russian backers won the war to realize how vital the...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,50,4086815,4086815,Do_wszystkich_nienawidzacych_Zydow_i_do_tych_.html
Temat: Pani Sława – druga po Irenie Sendlerowej
...to more than 8,000 Danish Jews, the whole Danish Jewish community, which came to Sweden via small fishing boats. Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg saved thousands of Hungarian Jews in Budapest. Also, Count Folke Bernadotte helped bring Jews and non-Jews out of concentration camps. Sweden also profited from the Holocaust. It is known that Wallenberg’s relatives made money converting Nazi gold into Swedish crowns and that Sweden provided iron ore and ball bearings to the Nazis. Swedish documents reveal that some Swedes actually sided with the Nazis and volunteered to fight for Hitler. Some Swedes were members of the Waffen SS and served in police batallions. A committee was established by the Swedish government in 1997 to investigate the transfer of Nazi gold to Sweden during the war. It is reported that Sweden received 38 tons of gold from Nazi Germany (worth today US $430 million). Many...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,25695,54881023,54881023,Pani_Slawa_8211_druga_po_Irenie_Sendlerowej.html
Temat: Chiny wyprzedzily USA jako glowny partner Brazylii
...increase since 2001. "It is a historic moment," he said, adding that he expected China to remain in pole position for the rest of the year because its economy is still growing healthily. "China is now a platinum account [for Brazil]," said Douglas Smith, a Latin American economist for Standard Chartered bank. The US has been Brazil's principal trading partner for nearly 80 years, but a sudden surge in Chinese demand for Brazilian iron ore in the first quarter of this year dislodged the Americans. China is already Chile's primary trading partner. Venezuela, Ecuador and even Colombia, a staunch US ally. The month before, China contributed $350m to the Inter-American Development Bank. www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/economics/5296515/China-overtakes-the-US-as-Brazils-largest-trading-partner.html
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,17007,95093456,95093456,Chiny_wyprzedzily_USA_jako_glowny_partner_Brazylii.html
Temat: australijskie kompanie na czarnej liscie w Chinach
It's a good thing Kevin Rudd speaks Mandarin because there'll be plenty to chat about when he hits Beijing next month. Not surprisingly, iron ore will be a topic of hot conversation. business.smh.com.au/rudds-mandarin-skills-will-be-put-to-the-test/20080321-20wa.html kan_z_oz napisała: > ODP: Masz napisane to w tym artykule, który podałeś; Chiny chcą > inwestować w australijskie złoża. > Rudd będzie więc dyskutował z nimi dlaczego Jego rząd jak również > cały rząd labor jest przeciwny i opieszały w stosunku do >...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,44,77124060,77124060,australijskie_kompanie_na_czarnej_liscie_w_Chinach.html
Temat: Japoński miecz czy otwieracz do konserw? Feliet...
...do celów wojskowych co sugeruje artykuł. Drugim babolem jest stwierdzenie, że uran musieliby sprowadzać. Nie jest to jakaś wiedza tajemna: www.photius.com/countries/iran/economy/iran_economy_mining_and_quarrying.html Cytuję zdanie kluczowe: "Studies of mineral deposits throughout the country were completed in the mid-1980s, detailing the most recent discoveries of reserves of silica, limestone, granite, and iron ore. In addition, several uranium deposits were discovered in Baluchestan va Sistan in August 1986" Tak więc nikogo o ten uran prosić nie muszą. Nawet gdyby tego nie było, warto pamiętać, że Polska mimo, że rozpoznanych złóż uranu praktycznie nie posiada dała uran na pierwsze bomby atomowe wyprodukowane przez ZSRR.
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,32,41939453,41939453,Japonski_miecz_czy_otwieracz_do_konserw_Feliet_.html
Temat: Za miesiąc wybory do Parlamentu Europejskiego
...Baseball Scores, Causes Of Pancreatitis, Montana Hot Springs, Louisville Ky Restaurants, Phil Collins Hits, English To Spanish Sentence Translation, White After Labor Day, Circulatory System Diseases, Tom Ford Sunglasses, Prepare For Disaster, Milwaukee County Circuit Court, Tampa Florida Homes For Sale, College Marching Bands, How To Patent An Idea, Federal Income Tax Bracket, Holiday Card Ideas, Teamwork And Leadership, Lemon Rice Soup, Child Abuse Neglect, Iron Ore Pellets, Commerce Township Michigan, Disneyland Flash Mountain, Chicago Magnificent Mile, High Magnesium Foods, How To Cure A Sore Throat, Roselle New Jersey, E85 Gas Stations, No Air Jordin Sparks,
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,644,95151671,95151671,Za_miesiac_wybory_do_Parlamentu_Europejskiego.html
Temat: "Polska": Polacy uciekają z Wysp Brytyjskich
cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/as.html#Econ Current account balance: -$43.84 billion (2008 est.) Exports - commodities: coal, iron ore, gold, meat, wool, alumina, wheat etc. Imports - commodities: machinery and transport equipment, computers and office machines, telecommunication equipment and parts; crude oil and petroleum products Debt - external: $1.032 trillion (31 December 2008 est.) = PKB ($1.069 trillion (2008 est.)) Public debt: 15.4% of GDP (164.6 mld USD) note: the Commonwealth government eliminated its net debt in 2006, but continues a gross debt...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,30,91685796,91685796,_Polska_Polacy_uciekaja_z_Wysp_Brytyjskich.html