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Temat: Prawdy i mity o weganizmie (według Virginii Messina)
...about vegan eating spring from both sides of the argument and are sometimes completely contradictory. Here are a few of the most common ones. Myth: Vegans are at risk for iron deficiency. Truth: Actually, vegans are less likely to get iron deficiency than lacto-ovo vegetarians. Vegans consume more iron and tend to replace milk (which contains no iron and also inhibits iron absorption) with iron-rich foods. Iron from plant foods is absorbed at a lower rate than from meat, but iron deficiency anemia is no more common among vegans than any other group. Myth: Vegan diets are okay for adults, but not for children. Truth: Studies show that vegan kids sometimes fall short on a few nutrients compared to omnivore children, but that they have better intakes of other nutrients. All types of diets for children require careful planning. Vegan diets can provide adequate nutrition for children at all stages. Myth: Dairy foods cause osteoporosis...
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