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Temat: Spis literatury dotyczącej wilczarzy
...Mary McBryde,
“The Natural History of Quadrupeds and Glorious Animals”, 1811,
“The New Book of the Dog” Robert Leighton, 1907,
“The New Dog of the White House”, Arthur Frederick Jones, The American Kennel Gazette, 1 stycze?, 1929,
“The Noblest of the Kind” A. Croxton Smith, Country Life, 20 wrzesie?, 1919,
“The Twentieth Century Dog” Herbert Compton, 1904,
“Wolfhound Book of Irish Poems for Young People“ B. Quinn, S. Cashman,
“Woman's Pets” (A Section of Every Woman's Encyclopaedia ), 1910,
“You & Your Irish Wolfhound” Donovan, 1975,
Artykuł z Fredson Bowers nt. Irish wolfhound i Scottish deerhound, data publikacji nieznana, 1939,
Dog of War Country Life, Bally Shannon - listopad, 1918,
Dog World (U.S.A.) – kolumna datowana między marcem 1966 i czerwcem 1984, 1966,...
Źródło: iwforum.net/viewtopic.php?t=1044