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Temat: Losowanie
if (!UTIL_Buyformoney(id,14500))
new exp = get_cvar_num("diablo_xpbonus")*random_num(3,10)+player_lvl[id]*get_cvar_num("diablo_xpbonus")/20
client_print(id,print_center,"dostales %d expa!",exp)
case 3:
if (!UTIL_Buyformoney(id,4500))
new iRandom = random_num(1,5)
if (
Źródło: amxx.pl/index.php?showtopic=23386
Temat: Introduction Thread! Introduce yourselves! Originally Posted By: cynicdave
...because: i like Trance and Trance likes me My website/picutures are located: every where Describe yourself: russian. What do you do for fun? parkour import tuner ,girlfriend Random fact about yourself: im random....you've been warned What you did last weekend: a sht load... What yo do when you go out: parkour? Are you in a relationship? yes Are you looking to be in a relationship? not really... This post has been edited by iRaNDoM: 24 February 2008 - 05:26 PM
Źródło: glowsticking.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=8
Temat: Losowanie
case 3: { if (!UTIL_Buyformoney(id,4500)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new iRandom = random_num(1,5) if (
Źródło: amxx.pl/index.php?showtopic=23386
Temat: Losowanie
new iRandom = random_num(1,2) if (
Źródło: amxx.pl/index.php?showtopic=23386
Temat: Losowanie
Mozesz dodać także tak new iRandom = random_num(1,2) if (
Źródło: amxx.pl/index.php?showtopic=23386