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Temat: Dana mowila o ataku Blaira na Izrael.
Tu masz kawalek, ale byl lepszy tekst Professor Laycock believed IRA bombing campaigns in the past meant the Met had the expertise to investigate the attacks itself. Israeli help? However, help from overseas forces could be important once the evidence was gathered. If the bombers were identified to be foreign nationals, then the Met would seek help and co-operation from Interpol and police in the countries concerned, she said. If the perpetrators were suicide bombers, she said, then Israel might be...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,50,26331153,26331153,Dana_mowila_o_ataku_Blaira_na_Izrael_.html

Temat: Postęp!!! Kazirodztwo jest OK!!!!
Do Szelmara Obawiam sie, ze "postep" nastepuje szybciej niz sobie tego zyczymy. Oto postulaty brytyjskiej organizacji Anti - Nazi League: Abolish all restrictions on immigration and asylum seeking Support IRA bombing campaigns Legalise paedophilia by abolishing the Age of Consent Ban political parties which stand in their way Increase taxes to pay for handouts to ethnics Proponuje zwrocic uwage na punkt trzeci ich manifestu. Wiecej o zagrozeniach tego rodzaju mozna poczytac na stronach British National Party www.bnp.org.uk
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,13,2133526,2133526,Postep_Kazirodztwo_jest_OK_.html

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