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Temat: DV-393 Bulgarian firmware
...fonts are outlined. Well, I'm a bit confused about that. Does this depend on the font file only, or there's some change in the firmware code to support outlines?? I've looked at many firmwares which claim they have subtitle outlines (but they were for other players), and what I see is there are 2 types of outlined fonts. Looking at them in BMP format: * transparent background is RED, outlines are GREY, characters are WHITE (sample taken from a custom Philips DVP5960 firmware) * transparent background is RED, outlines are BLACK, characters are WHITE (sample taken from Pioneer DV-380 custom firmware by cHiEsA) So - which one should be the right?? I will test later tonight (though I believe I've tested the first case, but it was with Hakan firmware) and report back here. About the OSD translation - yup, I now see the font is special, and it DOES contain all the characters I need to do a buglarian translation. What i...
Źródło: forum.pioneerdivx.net/viewtopic.php?t=715

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