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Temat: Useful Applications Collection - All Cracked - Updated
...against damage caused by children, scratches or by frequent use.
Your personal CD or DVD backups can even be run directly from your computer using a virtual drive (i.e. Daemon Tools). Blind write’s Game Copy Software supports a large number of formats and is regularly updated to support the latest technology. Combined with CopyToDVD, it is a complete set of software for all your backup needs: data files, 1:1 CD/DVD backups, audio CDs from music files and DVD movies.
http://uploading.com/files/MJ5OLB4Q/VSO_Software_BlindWrite_6.0.6.39.zip.html Magic Lens Max is a real-time, intuitive and advanced screen magnifier and display filter to zoom, rotate, enhance, filter and capture any area or the full of screen display. With built-in highly optimized resampling and enhancing filters, Magic Lens Max generates very clear and sharp display effects to suit your visual needs in various...
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1138186
Temat: Totalmedia Backup & Record
Totalmedia Backup & Record Whether you need to make basic archival discs or restore documents, burn custom audio CDs or rip tracks withCDDB support or create DVD movies from files on your hard drive, you’re sure to do it quickly and easily. By combining power and simplicity, TotalMedia Backup & Record is the smart choice for both beginners and enthusiasts alike. Download: http://[spam]/9421152c
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=599939
Temat: QR Photo DVD Slideshow 3.4.6 Portable
QR Photo DVD Slideshow 3.4.6 Portable | 12.55 Mb QR Photo DVD Slideshow is an intuitionistic and powerful digital photos to DVD Movie program. With QR Photo DVD Slideshow, you can turn all the digital photos into DVD movies, then playback on home TV and Portable DVD Player, enjoy all your photos with your families and friends. Is it boring to manage the thousands of digital photos? Do you feel tired and hard to look through all the photos saved on computer? Are you worried about that more and more lovely photos consume huger and huger hard disk storage? Then welcome to enjoy the free trial copy QR Photo DVD Slideshow, you will feel thats so easy and free to enjoy and manage...
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1195033
...a 160GB hard drive with more than enough space for most collections of software and multimedia. Go wireless: Built-in 802.11gb wireless LAN gives you a fast connection to a wide range of networks and peripherals. Acer SignalUp™ technology generates an omni-directional signal sphere for superior signal reception and wider range, boosting your wireless connection with more stability and faster data transfer. Burn DVDs and CDs: Enjoy DVD movies, or share your files, music mixes and home movies. You can burn double-layer DVDs and even DVD- RAM discs—specially-formatted discs that let you drag and drop, or write and rewrite your files up to 100,000 times. Widescreen display: This bright 15.4” widescreen features 1280 x 800 pixel (WXGA) resolution, providing sharp detail and plenty of room for whatever you want to view. Microsoft® Windows®...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,20857,70713499,70713499,SPRZEDAM_NOWEGO_LAPTOPA_TANIO_.html
Temat: Stara spiewka , nowy produkt (DVD 4 >3)
On Mon, 18 Feb 2002 19:36:41 +0200, "Duch Kolgejtsa" <klintoneastw@icqmail.comwrote: Copy DVD Movies? Yes! Copy and burn your own
Źródło: topranking.pl/1319/stara,spiewka,nowy,produkt,dvd,4,3.php
Temat: Sony is the best!
...DRM | chodzi właśnie o *treść*. a ktos po prostu stwierdzil, ze "tacho" da sie rownie latwo _zdemontowac_ co drm. Wiesz, przełaczenie napędu w tryb CSS1 i zmiana "tajnego" klucza w registry odpowiadającego za region DVD w Twoim Ulubionym Odtwarzaczu(TM) to, w większości wypadków, nie jest żaden problem. A co do "usuwania" DRM to jest m.in. AnyDVD, który robi to w locie: "AnyDVD is a driver, which unprotects DVD-Movies automatically in the background. This DVD appears unprotected and region code free for all applications and the Windows operating system as well. With AnyDVD's help copy tools like CloneDVD, Pinnacle Instant Copy, InterVideo DVD-Copy, etc. are able to copy CSS protected Movies. With the help of AnyDVD you can watch movies with non matching region codes with every DVD Player Software you like! "...
Źródło: topranking.pl/1332/sony,is,the,best.php
Temat: Acala DVD Ripper
Acala DVD Ripper Professional 5.7.8 + Keygen Info: Acala DVD Ripper Professional built with 2nd ripping engine, that can convert all the dvd movies playable on your computer to iPod, cell phone 3gp, Sony PSP, Microsoft Zune, Pocket PC movie ect portable device format, and WMV, AVI, Mpeg, MP4 ect format. Key Features -Convert your favorite
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=292599
Temat: USAsoft DVD Video H264 Converter 5.0.0
USAsoft DVD Video H264 Converter 5.0.0 USAsoft DVD Video H.264 Converter software is designed to be a total solution for converting DVD and all kinds of Video to H.264 video. USAsoft DVD Video H.264 Converter can convert DVD movies , IFO, VOB, RM, RMVB, WMV, asf, AVI, XviD, DivX, Mpg, dat, MOV,Q T, Mpeg2, MP4, MP3, FLV to H.264. USAsoft DVD Video H.264 Converter can rip
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=905876
Temat: Przestrojenie nagrywarki DVD
Panasonic DMR-E95g International Version PAL/NTSC Code Free DVD Recorder with 160gb hard disk enlarge Regular $799.99 On Sale for $ 699.99 The World Wide version DMR-E95gcs opens your world! It lets you record your favorite TV shows* or home movies on its own internal hard disk memory or onto blank DVD discs. Plus you can do this in any of the World's most popular video formats - NTSC or PAL! Now you now can send DVD movies overseas or make them for domestic use. Imagine recordings that combine tape-free convenience with DVD ultra- clean picture and sound quality! Camcorder owners will love making pristine DVD copies of videos for easy playback, or for sharing with friends and family. Plus, the DMR-E95gcs is a great CODE FREE ALL ZONE DVD player too! Also with PAL progressive-scan output for an improved picture with an HD-compatible TV. You can make PAL...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,518,74215220,74215220,Przestrojenie_nagrywarki_DVD.html
Temat: for and against essay
...some more important aspects of this issue. There is no denying that technological development and inventions make live easier. For example, expansion of different ways of transport cause that people can translocate faster. What is more, information transfers become easier. Nowadays, if we want to deliver a message for someone we can sand an SMS or make a phone call. In addition, technological development supplies an entertainment for us. Watching DVD movies, playing computer games or surfing the Internet are relaxing and calming for majority people. On the other hand, technological development makes that people isolate from each other, they spend time alone at their house, communicate with friends only through mobile phone or message communicators it dehumanize them. Furthermore, different experiments can lead to worldwide disaster. Some new types biological or chemical weapon can...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,517,53250957,53250957,for_and_against_essay.html
Temat: Kto ma Matrox G550.
Jestem ciekawy czy za pomocą powyższej karty możliwe jest oglądanie na drugim wyjściu (telewizor)filmu np.DivX i praca na monitorze w dowolnej aplikacji oraz czy praca w tej konfiguracji jest niezakłócona? DVDMax - play DVDs while you work Life shouldn't be all work and no play. With the Matrox Software DVD Player and DualHead technology, your family can watch DVD movies full-screen on a TV while you use the monitor for work. mozna Rafal Neumann
Źródło: topranking.pl/1403/kto,ma,matrox,g550.php
Temat: Co to jest wersja Piracka! Kim mjest PIRAT?
...four years ago, after he had distributed a program on the internet which enabled the breaking of the built-in copy protection CSS in DVDs. As a 15 year-old, Johansen managed to break the security code. He was arrested in January 2000. The now 20 year-old Johansen has claimed that the program DeCSS was developed to play DVD-films on other operating systems than Microsoft Windows. He has consistently claimed that his only motive was a desire to watch DVD-movies on PCs using the operating system Linux. The case has caused a lot of attention in IT circles both in- and outside of Norway, and most have expressed support for DVD-Jon. Allowed a copy From the verdict in Lagmannsretten [higher court] last year, it was considered evident that DVD-Jon had legally purchased his DVDs, and thus had the right to make copies of them. "The Lagmannsrett finds that a DVD is so vunerable to damage that...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,34,13060458,13060458,Co_to_jest_wersja_Piracka_Kim_mjest_PIRAT_.html
Temat: Zakaz czytania ksiazek na glos
...to play discs regardless of the regional codes on the disc. This usually voids the warranty, but is not illegal in most countries. (The only thing that requires player manufacturers to region-code their players is the CSS license. See 1.11) On Feb. 7, 2001, NASA sent two multiregion DVD players to the International Space Station. [...] [4.8] What are DeCSS and DivX;-)? CSS (Content Scrambling System) is an encryption and authentication scheme intended to prevent DVD movies from being digitally copied. See 1.11 for details. DeCSS refers to the general process of defeating CSS, as well as to DeCSS source code and programs. Computer software to decrypt CSS was released to the Internet in October 1999 (see Dana Parker's article at www.emediapro.net/news99/news111.html), although other "ripping" methods were available before that (see www.7thzone.com, go.to/dvdsoft, www.neophile.net, and...
Źródło: topranking.pl/1331/zakaz,czytania,ksiazek,na,glos.php
Temat: Agogo DVD iPod Ripper
Agogo DVD iPod Ripper 3.36 Agogo DVD iPod Ripper 3.36 info: Are you dying to wacth DVD movies on your iPod? Already have great numbers
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=30693
Temat: Propozycja: pl.comp.dvd
Krótki opis: Opis czytnikow, dekoderow, software`u do dekodowania, filmow Moderowana: Nie Opis: Wymiana doswiadczen z czytnikami, opisy nowych filmow i programow do software`owego dekodowania DVD movies Autor propozycji: i@waw.pdi.net (Andrzej Wojciechowski) Ogloszenie: pl.news.nowe-grupy Czas trwania: 14 dni.
Źródło: topranking.pl/1730/propozycja,pl,comp,dvd.php
Temat: Power DVD Rip Studio
AUTOR - vamp6x6x6x Power DVD Rip Studio is a powerful DVD copying and ripping software which can rips DVD to AVI, DVD to MPEG, DVD to WMV, DVD to WAV, and DVD to SVCD formats... You can easily backup DVD movies to your iPod, PSP, iPhone, Zune and your mobile phone. Power DVD Rip Studio supports you the batch conversion, select the files you want to rip, Power DVD Rip Studio will automatically rip them one by one. Just use Power DVD Rip Studio to rip your favorite DVDs to desired formats and enjoy them anywhere! http://uploading.com/files/HX2K0OU8/DRS.Wasp.crostuff.net.zip.html
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1211555
Temat: 1Click DVDtoIPOD
NIESTETY NIGDZIE NIE ZNALAZŁEM POLSKIEGO OPISU DO TEGOŻ PROGRAMU Z TEGO POWODU DAJĘ OPIS PO ANGIELSKU ZA CO Z GÓRY PRZEPRASZAM ADMINA I INNYCH 1CLICK DVDTOIPOD™ converts DVD movies and episodes to iPod® compatible files, quickly and easily. Utilizing our famous CPRx™ error correction technology ensures the highest level of success when converting the latest generation of DVDs. Now you can convert all your favorite DVDs to iPod® compatible files with just one click. Unlike other software with complex settings and multiple steps, 1CLICK DVDTOIPOD™ is easy to use. Movie and episode detection is...
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=326967
Temat: hegemonia Holywood
...Motion Picture Association of America by ШKOKRIM, the Norwegian law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over economic crimes. So, what did this DeCSS program do? Was it a horrible virus that wreaked destruction on unsuspecting computers? Was it a software tool intended to promote terrorism? Well, no. Young Mr. Johansen happened to be running the open source Linux operating system on his computer and wanted to watch legally purchased DVD movies on it. Unfortunately, DVD viewing software is only available for the Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh computer systems. Never dreaming that he was transforming himself into a programming analog of Osama bin Laden, he proceded to write a computer program that plays DVD discs. His efforts were rewarded with the prestigious Karoline Prize. This national prize is awarded yearly to a Norwegian high school student with excellent...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,50,899230,899230,hegemonia_Holywood.html
Temat: Pierwszy program pod 3DNow! to WinAMP 1.92 !!!
On Sat, 25 Jul 1998 10:39:18 GMT, "Beer" <b@do.poznan.tpsa.plwrote: [ciach] Arcade-quality 3D games Edutainment software with 3D images Web VRML and site development tools Business document, presentation, and spreadsheet programs CAD/CAE packages 3D audio processing Speech recognition software Soft modems Soft DVD Software drivers for 3D graphics controllers MPEG2 video playback Dolby AC-3 (digital surround-sound algorithm for DVD movies) Czyli _jesli_ jest taki dobry, jak go malujĂą, to producenci akceleratorów i dekoderów MPEG i AC-3 splajtujĂą a i Intelowi siÄĹź dostanie... ZwĂłaszcza to ostatnie by mi siÄĹź podobaĂło :
Źródło: topranking.pl/1380/pierwszy,program,pod,3dnow,to,winamp,1,92.php
Temat: Useful Applications Collection - All Cracked - Updated
...from Ashampoo * Put multiple slideshows on a single DVD * Combine slideshows and videos on a single DVD * Add your own background music with multiple tracks * Lots of cool transitions and Ken Burns zoom effect * Live previews with sound and navigation Other new features * QuickTime® support You can now also use Apple QuickTime® video files as sources for your video discs. * DVD preview with sound You can now preview your DVD movies with sound before burning them. * Improved performance and compatibility The whole program has been further optimized for faster and smoother performance and enhanced compatibility. Standard features and functions In addition to the new functions Ashampoo Burning Studio 8 also delivers everything else you could want from an all-round CD, DVD and Blu-ray burning suite. All functions are available for CD, DVD and Blu-ray. *...
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1138186
Temat: Acala DVD Copy
Acala DVD Copy 2.3.5 Acala DVD Copy 2.3.5 info: Acala DVD Copy is a software that will help you to backup your DVD movies with no quality loss. Its intuitive design makes it to be a one click DVD backup solution program. http://www.cutedvd.com/download/acaladvdcopy.exe Password: www.appzworld.com
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=30370
Temat: platne - odpowiedniki darmowych
...utilize power and effeciency. With DeepBurner you can create data, bootable, and audio CDs as well as data DVDs. Friendly and intuitive user interface with drag-and-drop features helps in all aspects: starting from compilation of data and audio to be burn onto a CD/DVD till making and printing labels for the particular type of media storage. DeepBurner allows you to burn any type of CDs or DVDs. Back up your data, create video or photo archives, record audio and mp3 CDs, copy DVD movies with just one program in easy and convinient way. Full features list: Ability to create and burn audio, data, and bootable CDs Ability to create and burn DVDs Buffer underrun technology "Burn-Proof"* Overburning* MS Explorer-type file browser CD/DVD capacity visual meter Dynamically adjustable drive buffer size Creation of multi-session CDs Works with all IDE (Atapi), SCSI, USB and FireWare CDR/W DVD/RAM drives *If...
Źródło: topranking.pl/1376/platne,odpowiedniki,darmowych.php
Temat: Clone_DVD
Clone_DVD CloneDVD - Worldwide most popular DVD movie copy software. New! CloneDVD - The lastest version supports copy new Sony ARccOS protected DVD movies. Synchronize CloneDVD with Sony PSP and Apple iPod. CloneDVD is a flexible and easy to use DVD movie copy software. Without special setting, CloneDVD auto removes all protections (CSS, RC, RCE, UOPs and Sony ARccOS) while copying, lets you freely copy all of your DVD movie collections. Copy
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=962302
Temat: Pierwszy program pod 3DNow! to WinAMP 1.92 !!!
...and x87 code Open-standard support of IEEE 754 single precision data type oraz niektore zastosowania: Arcade-quality 3D games Edutainment software with 3D images Web VRML and site development tools Business document, presentation, and spreadsheet programs CAD/CAE packages 3D audio processing Speech recognition software Soft modems Soft DVD Software drivers for 3D graphics controllers MPEG2 video playback Dolby AC-3 (digital surround-sound algorithm for DVD movies)
Źródło: topranking.pl/1380/pierwszy,program,pod,3dnow,to,winamp,1,92.php
Temat: Apex AVI Converter
...Media Player ect. Moblie video. • Support converting video from AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, VCD, DVD file to AVI, Divx, Xvid, MPEG, MOV, WMV, RM, RMVB etc. PC Video. • Support converting video from AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, VCD, DVD file to Flash SWF, Youtube FLV, Flash FLV . • VCD Ripper -- Support ripper VCD movies from dat to any pop video formats • DVD Ripper -- Support ripper unprotected DVD movies from vob to any pop video formats • Support converting video from AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, VCD, DVD file to MP3, WMA, WAV, MP2 Audio • Support converting video from AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, VCD, DVD file to Gif Animation and GIF, BMP, EPS, JPG, PCX, PSD, PDF, TIFF, WMF, EMF, PNG, J2K IMAGE • Support converting video from AVI, Divx, ASF, WMV, WMA, MPEG, MOV, QT, RM, RMVB, VCD, DVD file...
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=143039
Temat: Kolejny eks-linuksiarz?
...That's it, I decided. I am going to get a Mac OS X laptop, too. That was a few weeks ago. I am now typing this column on a Mac G4 Powerbook (800 MHz with 512-MB RAM, a combo DVD/CDR and a gorgeous 14.1 inch screen). I am connected to the Net through an AirPort wireless card and then from the Compaq wireless base station out through my aDSL. This review unit runs the Mac OS X 10.2 Jaguar operating system. It correctly recognized my webcam and disk-on-key device. It even played my DVD movies out of the box, something I have never managed to do satisfactorily on my Linux notebooks. The editor I use for my writing is MS Office version X, which includes all the standard Office components. (...) The first thing I check when I sit down at a UNIX workstation is which compiler I have. Max OS X Jaguar has the Gnu C compiler, gcc 2.95-2, which is a good choice for most purposes and also guarantees good C++ compatibility. I actually prefer the 2.96-3 version of...
Źródło: topranking.pl/1330/kolejny,eks,linuksiarz.php
Temat: Jak przegrywać płyty DVD
...is to act NOW! As part of the Courts ruling, resellers may continue to sell though their limited remaining inventories of the DVD X Copy software with its POWERFUL “Ripper” decoding technology. Additionally 321 Studios will only be able to sell future versions of DVD X Copy software that does not have the POWERFUL built in “Ripper”. This means future versions of the software will have limited ability to backup your own DVD movies. The judge's ruling does not affect whether individuals may use 321 Studios' products, or any other means, to back up DVDs. The ruling only STOPS 321 from selling any additional copies of the original and most soght after version Consumers may legally continue to own and use the 321 Software for making backups of their DVD’s that they own, for personal use. 321 Studios has committed to providing ongoing technical Support for...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,34,12011700,12011700,Jak_przegrywac_plyty_DVD.html
Temat: 123 DVD Ripper
123 DVD Ripper 1.0 [ENG] [+Serial Pozwala na szybkie tworzenie kopii zapasowych filmów DVD w prawie wszystkich popularnych formatów wideo, takich jak : VCD, SVCD, DivX, AVI, MPEG4 i WMV, itp. 123 DVD Ripper is an easy-to-use and powerful DVD ripping software. It allows you to swiftly backup DVD movies into almost all popular video formats, such as VCD, SVCD, DivX, AVI, MPEG4 and WMV, etc., so that you can keep a small avi file in your notebook or mobile MPEG4 player to watch movie when you are travelling. Compared with other DVD rippers, 123 DVD Ripper has more settings that you can customize, and it is easier than ever to use. Whether you are a veteran or a beginner, you will feel that it was developed for you! 123 DVD Ripper provides you with excellent...
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1396154
Temat: Alive DVD Ripper
Alive DVD Ripper is an professional dvd software to convert your favorite DVD movies to popular video formats, which include MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DVD/VCD/SVCD, AVI, DivX, XviD, MS MPEG-4, Cinepak. With a very easy to use interface you can also convert VOB, MPEG files into above formats. Alive DVD Ripper supports NTSC and PAL, and exports excellent video and audio quality. In addition, the intuitive interface makes Alive DVD Ripper the perfect tool for both new and experienced users. It supports batch file converting, and...
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1239107
Temat: Allok Video to DVD Burner 2.4.1223
Allok Video to DVD Burner is an easy and professional DVD maker software that lets you convert all favorite movies to DVD movies and burning it onto DVD Disc, and then watch them on home DVD Player ,car DVD Player or any other portable DVD Player. It supports convert AVI, DivX ,Xvid, MPEG, VCD, WMV, ASF, MOV, RM, RMVB, 3GP, MP4, FLV, MKV video clips to
Źródło: darkwarez.pl/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1073824
Temat: Propozycja: pl.comp.dvd
On Mon, 19 Oct 1998, Ivy wrote: Krótki opis: Opis czytnikow, dekoderow, software`u do dekodowania, filmow Moderowana: Nie Opis: Wymiana doswiadczen z czytnikami, opisy nowych filmow i programow do software`owego dekodowania DVD movies Za długi krótki opis (niewiele by mu brakowało, a byłby dłuższy od opisu właściwego). Grupa, gdzie rozmiawia się o wymienionych rzeczach już istnieje pl.rec.kino-domowe. Pozdrawiam, Alojzy
Źródło: topranking.pl/1730/propozycja,pl,comp,dvd.php
Temat: o DVD
W Miesiac Pozniej: panowie Mirko i Jurko Spedzilem z kolega weekend skladajac PC z czesci. Board: Intel D850EMV2, 512MB RAMBUS, Video Card: AIW Radeon 8500DV (ALL IN WONDER with video in and out, $190), P4 2.4GHz, CDR Lite ON 48x12x48, C Labs Audigy MP3. Calosc chodzi jak marzenie. No i oczywiscie DRU-500, Sony DVD burner. Oczywiscie tak jak mowiles, Sony DRU-500 nie pozwala na bezposrednie kopiowanie DVD movies mowiac cos tam o zabezpieczeniu. Proba uzywania Ad3201 z crackiem, bardzo krotka, nic nie przyniosla. Ale znalazlem: www.321studios.com/Press/DVDXCOPY.Press.Release.ht m. Otoz ten program powinien pozwolic na skopiowanie. www.dvdxcopy.com poszedlem tam i zamowilem kopie za $70. Download ma byc mozliwy w piatek, Nov 8... zobaczymy jak to sie skonczy. Mam pytanie jak podlaczyc IDE drives. Ten program wymaga DVD...
Źródło: forum.gazeta.pl/forum/w,44,2940610,2940610,o_DVD.html
Temat: Stara spiewka , nowy produkt (DVD 4 >3)
Copy DVD Movies? Yes! Copy and burn your own
Źródło: topranking.pl/1319/stara,spiewka,nowy,produkt,dvd,4,3.php