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Temat: Neue Emusoft Ferguson ARIVA TT HD_11.08.5D/Hivion
SSSP â Simple Serial Sharing Protocol ===================================== This Protocol defines the communication between a DVB Box and a gbox by using a RS232(serial/com/tty port) with only 4 commands to implement. RS232 communication settings ============================ 115200 8N1 (115200 Baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) To activate add in the gbox_cfg R: { 01 } for com1, or R: { 02 } for com2 W: and V: should be deactivated 00 00 When developing Software you can activate thers232 debug messages by adding 10 to the R: parameter, a example for com1 would be R: { 11 } Format of data...
Źródło: ariva.sat-elita.net/viewtopic.php?t=86