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Temat: Duble i łamanie regulaminu
...Mind Worldly Mind - David Smith 17. Essential Themes of Buddhist Lectures - Sayadaw U Thittilla 18. Facing the Future - Bhikkhu Bodhi 19. From Womb to Womb - Metamorphosis of a Mother - Francis Story 20. Fundamentals of Buddhism - Peter D Santina 21. Good Question, Good Answer - S Dhammika 22. Handbook for Mandkind - Buddhadasa Bhikkh 23. Liao-Fan's Four Lessons - by Liao-Fan Yuan of the Ming Dynasty 24. Light of Asia - Sir Edwin Arnold 25. Now is the Knowing - Ajahn Sumedho 26. Only We Can Help Ourselves - Dhammavuddho Thero 27. Phra Buddha Dhammacakra 28. Preparing for Death and Helping the Dying - Sangye Khadro 29. Reading the Mind - K Khao-Suan-Luang 30. Scientific Acceptability of Rebirth - Granville Dharmawardena 31. Snow in the Summer - Sayadaw U Jotika 32. The Art of Living - Part I and II - Master Chin Kung 33. The Buddha, His Life and Teachings - Piyadassi Thera 34. The Buddhist Way - K Sri...
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